Thursday, April 17, 2014

Scanning Art Work

Our children have tons of art work!  During their public school days, I picked random pieces from their school /art work and random drawings from home, road trips, boredom etc to keep and add to their scrapbooks.  Before I stored it away I did my best to write their name, date, age and/or grade level on each piece of art work.  This helps me from guessing the date.  However there are some pieces without dates. For missing dates I will guess the season, grade level, month or year. 
I would love to keep original pieces but it is too much. Therefore I started scanning their artwork.  I am sharing a couple of pieces (non art class) from one of our elementary children.

I love this! They will be printed as a 3x4 matte photo and placed in their scrapbook albums. For people who use Project Life or Pocket Scrapbooking this makes a great filler card!
Thank you for visiting!